
Excurl is an open interactive project for design and illustration, where we index distribute and restore.. vectors, graphics, illustrations, paintings, arts, ideas, concepts and creativity.
We are a linking, network of authors, creators, and designers. Excurl is specifically built to innovate cultural standards through designing & Drawing.

We are using creative mindsets of artists & illustrators to save every tradition, culture, and knowledge through designs and awareness campaigns. Rather than being just a creator, an artist could help to pick-up social health, awareness and values through their works.

So how to make it, is totally depends upon your artistic values, where the money should  not be the first concern. 
So You can Be with this By

  • Designing illustrations and making it available under public domain or CCby licences.
  • By making an illustration inspired from folklore's, epics, traditional arts, old-age paintings..etc
  • By designing interactive stories/comics that has relevant social and cultural values.
  • Restoring old painting works via Scanning & Photography to digitize or to vectorize.
  • By making it available for the world without a fee (at least one of yours)
  • By designing something to save nature & protect values.
  • Preserving Old-age Artistic Works, Paintings through making it available into the scene again.
We expect every artist & creators will be a part of this project

India Specific

Excurl is built from India. We see every country is same as the native country in protecting values.  Excurl comparatively a minor attempt to use skills in various levels to initiate an open access or open source project in the field of arts and illustration.

Excurl is born from a question:
"why Indian contents are not available in online?, like any other country's?".
There are lots of other open initiatives in the field of ;

  • Photography 
  • Digitization of Paintings
  • Public Domain Image Galleries
  • Illustration
  • Free Stock Images
Unsplash.com Pexels.com Pixabay.com are making available stock-like image contents available under Public domain.
But when we search for any of the Indian contents, like a vector of
"Sri-Krishna" Or "Taj Mahal high resolutions images",  "Indian women vectors" results are rare.

Indian Web contents are in low-profile or almost not available.
We have epics, big archive of arts, paintings, traditions, landmarks..etc
but none of this not available as images, illustrations and paintings.. :( 

if something is found, its on some stock images like shutter, adobe, or dreamstime, deposit or 123rf. There are no public domain contents that can be used without worrying anything. There are lots digital artists, and painters, illustrators in India. But none of them joining together to build a community.
none of them into open source or open access..

are these creative minds are shrunk into Instagram profiles? or as just a portifolio in Behance? Are these just only paid collaborations? nothing for saving values?

We know Being an artist is a subsistence. we understand that. but you could help to make this community grow by donating your time, assistance , help, and creation.


We plan to collect digitized paintings that are under public domain from various sources like
  • British National Library
  • Library of Congress
  • Heritage Library
  • Smithsonian Open Access 
  • Europeana Collections
  • The Biodiversity Heritage Library
  • The Calisphere Collections
  • Internet Archive Community Collection
  • manymore.....
and to make either vague vectors or display as it is, to invite attention of users and artists to be inspired from the collection and to make some exposure to the collection where there are lots of old-age artistic works which has got less attention.