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Here you can get the curated list of scattered books from ASI from different topics and subjects.
- 2500 Years of Buddhism
- A Catalogue of the Samskrit Manuscripts in the Adyar Library Part_1
- A Short history of India
- A Study of Races in the Ancient Near East
- A.L.A. glossary of library terms with a selection of terms in related fields
- Abhijnana-Sakuntalam
- Aboriginal inhabitants of the Andaman Islands
- Aboriginal woman
- Academy of metion picture arts and science
- Account of the district of Purnea in 1809-10
- Actes De la IIIe Session Zurich 1950
- Adhiyacharita
- Administration report of museums, zoos and government gardens department for the year1950-51
- Administration report of the government museum for the year 1940
- Adonis attis osiris pt.4; vol.1
- Adonis attis osiris pt.4; vol.2
- Advanced history of India
- Adventures in archaeology
- Adventures in the Near East
- Aegean Archaeology
- Aerpatastan and Nirangastan
- Age of the imperial Gupta's
- Agra and Fatehpur Sikri of aiteehasaik bhawan
- Agravala jati ka vikas
- Aims and ideals of ancient Indian culture
- Aitareya Brahmana
- Aitareya brahmana with the vrtti sukhaprada of sadgurusisya vol.1
- Ajanta Part_4 Text
- Ajanta Plate Part_4
- Ajanta plate pt.3
- Ajanta pt.1 Text
- Ajnana
- Al Fakhri
- Alambanapariksa and Vrtti
- Alamkarasamgraha of Amrtanandayogin
- Alankara-Manihara pt.1
- Alankara-Manihara pt.2
- Alankara-Manihara pt.3
- Alankara-Manihara pt.4
- Alankarasarvasva of Rajanaka Ruyyaka
- Alberunis India vol -1
- Alexander the great and the hellenistic empire
- Alexandrea Ad Aegyptum
- Alkhutbatul Ahmadia
- Along the great rivers
- Alphabet a key to the history of mankind
- Alphabetical index of Sanskrit manuscripts in the government oriental manuscripts library Madras part 1
- Alphabetical index of Sanskrit manuscripts in the government oriental manuscripts library Madras part 2
- Amazon Town
- America's ancient civilizations
- American painting first flowers of our wilderness
- Analecta orientalai vol.1
- Analecta orientalai vol.2
- Ancient Architecture in Syria: Sec. A Southern Syria pt.6
- Ancient Ceylon
- Ancient Egyptian materials and Industries
- Ancient Egyptian materials
- Ancient Ireland
- Ancient Judaism
- Ancient Near East
- Ancient Persia and the Parsis
- Ancient Rome
- Ancient World and its legacy to us
- Ancient and classical architecture
- Ancient and medieval Nepal
- Ancient city of Athens: its topography and monuments)
- Ancient cubit and our weights and measures
- Ancient explorers
- Ancient history of Saurashtra
- Ancient man the beginning of civilizations
- Ancient mycenae the capital city of Agamemnon
- Ancient peoples places vol.1
- Ancient rites and ceremonies
- Andhkara-yugina Bharata
- Angkor empire
- Anglo-Saxon art to a.d. 900
- Anguttara-Nikaya part 1
- Anguttara-Nikaya part 2
- Anguttara-Nikaya part 3
- Anguttara-Nikaya part 4
- Anguttara-Nikaya part 5
- Annals and antiquities of Rajasthan vol.3
- Annalsof the Delhi badshahate
- Annual Report 1902-03
- Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research Vol.16: for 1935-1936
- Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research vol.10: for 1928-1929
- Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research vol.12: for 1930-1931
- Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research vol.13: for 1931-1932
- Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research vol.14: for 1932-1933
- Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research vol.15: for 1934-1935
- Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research vol.6: for 1924-1925
- Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research vol.7: for 1925-1926
- Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research vol.8: for 1926-1927
- Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research vol.9: for 1927-1928
- Annual of the American Schools of oriental research Vol.11 For 1929-1930
- Annual of the American schools of oriental research Vol_5
- Annual of the British School at Athens No-49
- Annual of the British School at Athens no-50: session-1955
- Annual of the British School at Athens no.35: session-1934-1935
- Annual of the British School at Athens no.36: session-1935-1936
- Annual of the British School at Athens no.37: session-1936-1937
- Annual of the British School at Athens no.38: session-1937-1938
- Annual of the British School at Athens no.39: session-1938-1939
- Annual of the British School at Athens no.42: session-1947
- Annual of the British School at Athens no.43: session-1948
- Annual of the British School at Athens no.44: session-1949
- Annual of the British School at Athens no.45: Session-1950
- Annual of the British School at Athens no.46: session-1951
- Annual of the British School at Athens no.47: session-1952
- Annual of the British school at athens No-48
- Annual report 1909-10
- Annual report of the Dacca museum for 1936-37
- Annual report of the Watson museum of antiquities 1936-37
- Annual report of the board of regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1942
- Annual report of the board of regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1944
- Annual report of the board of regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1945
- Annual report of the board of regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1947
- Annual report of the board of regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1949
- Annual report of the board of regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1951
- Annual report of the board of regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1952
- Annual report of the board of regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1953
- Annual report of the board of regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1954
- Annual report of the board of regents of the smithsonian institution 1955
- Annual report of the board of regents of the smithsonian institution annual reprot 1937
- Annual report of the board of regents: 1941
- Annual report of the board of regents: 1943
- Annual report of the managing committee of the Patna museum for the year 31march 1935
- Annual report on the working of the Archaeological museum Mathura for the year 1953
- Annual report on the working of the Rajputana museum, Ajmer for the year 1935 to 1940
- Annual report on the working of the archaeological museum Mathura for the year 1948
- Annual report on the working of the archaeological museum Mathura for the year 1949
- Annual report on the working of the archaeological museum Mathura for the year 1950
- Annual report on the working of the archaeological museum Mathura for the year 1951
- Annual report on the working of the archaeological museum Mathura for the year 1952
- Annual report on the working of the archaeological museum Mathura for the year 1953
- Annual report on the working of the archaeological museum Mathura for the year 1954
- Annual report on the working of the archaeological museum Mathura for the year 1955
- Annual report on the working of the united provinces provincial museum Lucknow for the years 1937
- Annual report pt.1 1903-04
- Annual report pt.1 1909-10
- Annual report pt.1 1913-14
- Annual report the Bengal Buddhist association 1916-17
- Annul report of the archaeological department gwalior state: 1935-36
- Annul report of the archaeological department of his highness the Nizam;s dominions 1940-41
- Annul report of the archaeological department of his highness the nizam's dominions 1926-27
- Anthropological publications the central caribs Vol_10
- Anthropologycal papers no. 33-42
- Anthropometry of the natives of Arnhem land & The Australian race problem
- Antiquarian remains in Hyderabad state
- Antiquities of the Irish countryside
- Antiquity of Iraq
- Ao Naga tribe of Assam
- Apartheid: strategy of race discrimination
- Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ
- Arab heritage
- Arabian medicine and its influence on the middle ages Vol_1
- Arabian medicine and its influence on the middle ages Vol_2
- Arabic thought and its place in history
- Arabs in history
- Archaeologia: or miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity vol.85
- Archaeologia: or miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity vol.86
- Archaeologia: or miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity vol.87
- Archaeologia: or miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity vol.88
- Archaeologia: or miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity vol.89
- Archaeologia: or miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity vol.90
- Archaeologia: or miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity vol.91
- Archaeologia: or miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity vol.92
- Archaeologia: or miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity vol.93
- Archaeologia: or miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity vol.94
- Archaeologia: or miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity vol.95
- Archaeologia: or miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity vol.96
- Archaeologia: or miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity vol.97
- Archaeologia: or miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity vol.98
- Archaeological journal: memorial vol. to Sir Alfred Clapham
- Archaeological remains and excavations at bairat
- Archaeological remains in Kashmir
- Archaeological surveys in the Zhob and Loralai districts, West Pakistan vol. 47; pt. 2
- Archaeology and society
- Archaeology from the earth
- Archaeology in the U.S.S.R.
- Archaeology of Karnatak
- Archaeology of sussex
- Archaeology of the Holy Land
- Architecture and other arts
- Architecture et amenagement des musees D'art vol.1
- Architecture et amenagement des musees D'art vol.2
- Architecture through the Ages
- Architecture
- Arctic home in the Vedas
- Argonauts of the Western Pacific
- Aristocratic society in ancient crete
- Aristotelianism
- Arrest and movement
- Art and archaeology abroad
- Art and tradition
- Art experience
- Art in East and West
- Art in New England
- Art in the Western World
- Art of Asia
- Art of India: traditions of Indian sculpture painting and architecture
- Art of Indian Asia: its Mythology and transformations; Vol_2
- Art of Nagarjunikonda
- Arthasastra of Kautilya
- Artist in unknon India
- Arts and crafts of India and Pakistan
- Arts archeologie khmers tome.2
- Asar-oos-Sanaoio
- Ascent of Everest
- Ashoka ke dharmalekha
- Asia and Western dominance
- Asia minor in ruins
- Asiatic affinities of the old Italians
- Asokas edicts
- Aspects de la Chine vol.2
- Aspects of British art
- Aspects of Buddhism
- Aspects of ancient indian economic thought
- Aspects of culture
- Aspects of early Assames literature
- Aspects of the social and political system of manusmrti
- Aspeets du Bouddhisme
- Assam valley: beliefs and customs of the Assamese Hindus
- Assistance to readers in lending libraries
- Assyrian sculptures in the British museum: from shalaneser III to sennacherib
- Astanga-Hrdaya
- At ajanta
- Atita-Smrti
- Atmospheric pollution its origins and prevention
- Atthasalini
- Aus Dem Westlichen Himalaja
- Autumn wind
- Ayurveda ka itihasa part 1
- Ayurvedasutram with the commentary of yoganandanatha
- Baber first of the Moguls
- Babur
- Babylon Die versunkene Weltstadt und ihr Ausgraber Robert Koldewey
- Babylonian letters of the hammurapi period
- Bahmanis of the Deccan
- Bal mano vighian
- Balder the beautiful pt.7; vol.1
- Balder the beautiful pt.7; vol.2
- Balochi language a grammar and manual
- Basic Facts and figures
- Bauddha sanskriti
- Bauddhadharma darsana
- Bauddhagamarthasamgraha
- Bazm-i-Timuriyya
- Beautifying India
- Beginnings of India historiography and other essays
- Bektashi order of dervishes
- Bengal nawabs
- Bengal under the Lieutenant-Governors vol.1
- Bengali literature
- Between the Oxus and the Indus
- Bhamati of Vacaspati on Sankaras Brahmasutrabhasya
- Bhaminivilasa of Panditaraja Jagannatha
- Bharat ki ekata ka nirman: 27 bhashanen
- Bharatiya jyotisa ka itihasa
- Bharatiya sanskriti
- Bhartiya Arya Bhasa aur Hindi
- Bhartiya Hindu manava aur uski bhabukata
- Bhartiya drstikon se vigya shabd ka shamanvya
- Bhartiye murti kala
- Bhasa-a study
- Bhils a study
- Bhojapuri Bhasa aur Sahitya
- Bible as history
- Bibliography of costume: dictionary catalog of about eight thousand books and periodicals
- Bibliography of indological studies 1943
- Birhors
- Bombay and western India Vol_1
- Bombay dockyard and the wadia master builders
- Bones for the archaeologist
- Book of Good counsels
- Book of magical art, Hindu magic and Indian occultism
- Book of recent exploration
- Book of the cave Gaurisankarguha
- Book of the discipline Vol_5
- Book of the kindred sayings part 1
- Book of the kindred sayings
- Brahma Sutras
- Brahma et Bouddha
- Brajabhasha
- Branch library practice
- Brhadaranyaka Upanisad
- Bridge to Islam
- Brief History of early Chinese philosophy
- British Museum Library
- British book news 1944
- British book news 1945
- British book news 1946
- British book news 1947
- British book news 1948
- British book news 1949
- Buddha and Baudha dharma
- Buddha and five after-centuries
- Buddha and his path to self-enlightenment
- Buddha and his religion
- Buddha darshan mimansa
- Buddha inderkunstdeso ostens
- Buddha the prophet and the christ
- Buddha's relics from Kapilavastu
- Buddha's teachings being the sutta-niapata or discourse-collection
- Buddhacharita
- Buddhism and Zen
- Buddhism in India , Ceylon, China, and Japan
- Buddhism in Kashmir and Ladakh
- Buddhism in Kerala
- Buddhism in Pakistan
- Buddhism its essence and development
- Buddhist Bible
- Buddhist Himalaya
- Buddhist essays and reviews
- Buddhist meditation in the Southern school
- Buddhist philosophy of universal flux
- Buddhist psychology
- Buddhist sculputures and monuments
- Buddhist sects of Japan
- Buddhist shrines in India
- Buddhist shrines in India
- Buddhist stories
- Buddhist students' manual
- Buddhist texts as recommended by Asoka
- Buddhist texts through the ages
- Buddhists and glaciers of Western Tibet
- Buddhsit meditation
- Budha and Budha dharma
- Bugbear of literacy
- Builders of modern India Pandita Ramabai
- Bull of minos
- Bulletin of the Madras government museum vol.5
- Bundahishn
- Burden of Egypt
- Buried People: study of the Etruscan World)
- Burma
- Byazntine achievement: an historical perspective A.D. 330-1453
- Byzantine and romanesque architecture vol.1
- Byzantine and romanesque architecture vol.2
- Byzantine art
- Byzantium its triumphs and tragedy
- Caesar the civil wars
- Calavamsa part 2: being the more recent part of the Mahavamsa
- Calcutta old and new
- Canakya-Rajaniti Sastram
- Care and repair of books
- Caste in India its nature, function, and origins
- Caste in modern Ceylon
- Castles of Great Britain
- Catalogue Raisonne of the Buhar Library Vol_1
- Catalogue Raisonne of the Buhar Library Vol_2
- Catalogue of Pali Mss. India office library
- Catalogue of a collection of roman coins, and C. in gold, silver and bronze
- Catalogue of manuscripts in the library of H.H. the Maharana of Udaipur
- Catalogue of roman medallions
- Catalogue of the Acropolis museum vol.1
- Catalogue of the Acropolis museum vol.2
- Catalogue of the Arab-Byzantine and post- reform umaiyad coins
- Catalogue of the Greek coins of troas, aeolis, and lesbos
- Catalogue of the Mandalay MSS
- Catalogue of the Mandalay MSS
- Catalogue of the Persian manuscripts in the library of the university of Cambridge
- Catalogue of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the Adyar library pt.2
- Catalogue of the valuable collection of Greek coins in gold, silver and copper
- Catalogue sommaire des manuscrits Sancrits et Palis
- Catena of Buddhist scriptures from the Chinese
- Catena of Buddhist scriptures from the Chinese
- Caturdas'Alaksani of Gadadhara vol.1
- Celtic myth and legend poetry and romance
- Central American and West Indian archaeology
- Central museum Lahore annual report 1935-36
- Ceremonies of the roman rite described
- Cetatea Dacica De La Piatra Rosie
- Ceylon lectures delivered as extension lectures in Ceylon in March-1944
- Changing forms of art
- Child in ancient India
- Chin-kal aur aaj
- Chinese Painting leading masters and principles vol.1
- Chinese Painting leading masters and principles vol.2
- Chinese Painting leading masters and principles vol.3
- Chinese Painting leading masters and principles vol.4
- Chinese Painting leading masters and principles vol.7
- Chinese art
- Chinese language and how to learn it: manual for beginners
- Chinese radicals and phonetics
- Chinese their History and culture vol.1
- Chinese thought from confucius to Mao Tse-tung
- Chips from a German workshop vol.1
- Chips from a German workshop vol.2
- Chips from a German workshop vol.3
- Chips from a German workshop vol.4
- Chips from a German workshop vol.5
- Chitra
- Chota Nagpore a little-known province of the empire
- Christian India
- Christian approach to the Bhagavadgita
- Christianity and Islam under the sultans vol.1
- Christianity and Islam under the sultans vol.2
- Cinq Cents Contes Et Apologues Tome_1
- Cinq Cents Contes Et Apologues Tome_2
- Cinq Cents Contes Et Apologues Tome_3
- Citizen of India
- City of Taj
- Civilization in East and West
- Civilization of Greece in the bronze age
- Civilization of the ancient Egyptians
- Civilization of the renaissance in Italy: an essay
- Clive of India
- Coinage of the Gupta empire
- Coins and medals
- Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum vol.3
- Coins of the World
- Colas
- Collection of treaties, engagements and sanads: relating to India and neighbouring countries 4th edition vol.8
- Collection of treaties, engagements and sanads: relating to India and neighbouring countries, 4th edition vol.11
- Collection of treaties, engagements and sanads: relating to India and neighbouring countries, 4th edition vol.1
- Collection of treaties, engagements and sanads: relating to India and neighbouring countries, 4th edition vol.3
- Collection of treaties, engagements and sanads: relating to India and neighbouring countries, 4th edition vol.5
- Collection of treaties, engagements and sanads: relating to India and neighbouring countries, 4th edition vol.6
- Collection of treaties, engagements and sanads: relating to India and neighbouring countries, 4th edition vol.7
- Collection of treaties, engagements and sanads: relating to India and neighbouring countries, 4th edition vol.9
- Collection of treaties, engagements and sanads: relating to India and neighbouring countries. 4th edition vol.10
- College and University library buildings
- Colour cinematography
- Coming World civilization
- Coming into bieng among the Australian aborigines
- Commentary on the Dhammapada
- Commentary on the Sankhya philosophy of Kapila
- Commercial and technical libraries
- Commercial policy of the Moguls
- Commercial relations between India and England
- Comparative grammar of the Dravidian
- Concept of Maya
- Concise history of the Darjeeling district
- Concrete engineers' handbook
- Confucian analects
- Confucian notebook
- Confucius, his life and time
- Confucius
- Conquistador
- Constitution of India: as modified upto 1st September, 1951
- Constructive survey of Upanishadic philosophy
- Contemporary Indian philosophy
- Contributions to the anthropology of Iran
- Contributions to the anthropology of the Faiyum Sinai Sudan Kenya
- Corpus inscriptionum indicarum vol.4 pt.1 Inscriptions of the Kalachuri Chedi Era
- Corpus inscriptionum indicarum vol.4 pt.2 Inscriptions of the Kalachuri Chedi Era
- Country of Balochistan
- Crawfurd papers
- Creative unity
- Crime and custom in savage society
- Critical word index of the Bhagavadgita
- Cruz Das Almas a Brazilian village
- Culavamsa pt.1: being the more recent part of the mahavamsa
- Cultural anthropology
- Cultural heritage of India vol.2
- Cultural heritage of India vol.3
- Cultural heritage of India vol.6
- Cultural history of India and Pakistan
- Cultural history of the modern age Vol_1
- Cultural history of the modern age Vol_2
- Cultural history of the modern age Vol_3
- Cultural unity of Asia
- Culture and bhavior
- Culture heritage of Madhya Bharat
- Culture in early Anglo-Saxon England
- Culture of South-East Asia
- Culturgeschichte des orients unter den chalifen
- Customs of the World vol.1
- Customs of the World vol.2
- Cutch, on random sketeches
- Cyzicus
- Dagh-register behouden int Casteel Batavia Anno 1680
- Dancing out of Bali
- Dara Shikuh life and works
- Darshak aur chintan
- Darshan digdarshan
- Das Gopatha Brahmana
- Das Ramayana
- Das athener National Museum Textbend.1
- Das athener National Museum Textbend.2
- Dasopanishads with the commentary of Sri Upanishad-Brahma-Yogin vol.1
- Dasopanishads with the commentary of Sri Upanishad-Brahma-Yogin vol.2
- De Middeljav Aansche historische traditie
- Dead sea scrolls
- Debates commentary
- Decisive battles of India
- Delhi in two days
- Delhi its story and buildings
- Denkmaler des klassischen altertums
- Denkmaler des klassischen altertums
- Denkmalpflege band vol.1
- Depth Classification and Reference Service and Reference Material
- Der Parthenon Herausgegeben
- Der Rig-Veda Vol_1
- Der Rig-Veda Vol_3
- Description de damas
- Description of a singular aboriginal race the neilgherry hills
- Description of the Burmese empire
- Descriptive and classified list of archaeological monuments in Madhya Bharat
- Descriptive catalogue of the Arabic, Persian and Urdu manuscripts in the library of the University of Bombay
- Descriptive catalogue of the Persian Paintings in the Bodleian Library
- Descriptive catalogue of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the collections of Asiatic society of Bengal vol.8 pt.1
- Descriptive catalogue of the sanskrit manuscripts vol.28
- Desinamamala of Hemachandra
- Desinamamala of Hemachandra
- Destiny of the nations
- Development of Buddhism in Uttar Pradesh
- Development of Hindu polity and political theories pt.1
- Development of Hindu polity and political theories pt.2
- Dhammapada
- Dhammapala;s Paramattha-Dipani
- Dhammapalas Paramattha Dipani part 3
- Dhammasangani
- Dharmasarmabhyudaya
- Dhatu katha pakarana and its commentary
- Dhavni vicara
- Dialectic in Buddhism and Vedanta
- Dialects of the Simla hills
- Dialogues of the Buddha part 3
- Diamond Sutra
- Diary of William Hedges vol.1
- Diary of William Hedges vol.2
- Diary of William Hedges vol.3
- Dictionary of British sculptors 1660-1851
- Dictionary of photography
- Die Goten und Lango Barden in Italien
- Die Nordgruppe Der Oderschnurkeramik
- Die Philosophen Der Upanishaden
- Die Reden Buddhos vol.2
- Die Reden Buddhos vol.3
- Die Reden Gotamo Buddhos vol.1
- Die Reden gotamo Buddhos aus der langeren sammlung dighanikayo des pali-kanons
- Die Romischen Grabaltare Der Kaiserzeit
- Die Suparnasage
- Die Yajus Des Asvamedha
- Die indische welt
- Digha Nikaya vol.1
- Dio Chrysostom Vol_1
- Dio Chrysostom Vol_2
- Dio Chrysostom Vol_3
- Dio Chrysostom Vol_4
- Diodorus of Sicily Vol_10
- Diodorus of Sicily Vol_1
- Diodorus of Sicily Vol_2
- Diodorus of Sicily Vol_3
- Diodorus of Sicily Vol_4
- Diodorus of Sicily Vol_5
- Diodorus of Sicily Vol_7
- Diodorus of Sicily Vol_9
- Discoveries in crete and their bearing on the history of ancient civilisation
- Discovery of Asia
- Divodasha
- Doctrine of the sufis
- Doctrine of awakening a study on the Buddhist ascesis
- Doctrine of survivals
- Doctrines of the great educators
- Documents De Touen-Houang
- Doha-Kosa: with chaya and Hindi Tr.
- Draft constitution of India
- Dupleix and clive the beginning of Empire
- Dura-Europos and its art
- Dutch Museums
- Dutch activities in the East
- Dutch in Malabar
- Dvaita philosophy and its place in the Vedanta
- Dvaraka-pattala and Ganga-vakyavali
- Dvaraka-pattala and Ganga-vakyavali
- Dying god pt.3
- Earliest englishman
- Early Buddhist jurisprudence
- Early Buddhist monachism
- Early History of the Andhra country
- Early Inian religious thought
- Early Monastic Buddhism vol.1
- Early Monastic Buddhism vol.2
- Early career of kanhoji angria and other papers
- Early history of Bengal vol.2
- Early history of Kamarupa
- Early history of the Dekkan
- Early history of the Vaisnava Faith and movement in Bengal: from Sanskrit and Bengali sources
- Early travels in India 1583-1619
- Early weights and measures of mankind
- Earth before history
- East India sketch-book vol.1
- East India sketch-book vol.2
- East and West in religion
- East and West some reflections
- East of Katmandu
- Easter Island: stone-age civilization of the pacific
- Eastern Buddhist a magazine devoted the study of Mahayana Buddhism vol.3
- Eastern Buddhist a magazine devoted the study of Mahayana Buddhism vol.5
- Eastern Buddhist a magazine devoted the study of Mahayana Buddhism vol.6
- Eastern Buddhist a magazine devoted the study of Mahayana Buddhism vol.7
- Eastern Persia an account of the journeys of the persian boundary commission 1870-71-72 Vol.2 Zoology and geology
- Eastern Persia an account of the journeys of the persian boundary commission 1870-71-72 vol.1 Geography with narratives
- Eastern religions and Western thought
- Economic Problems of Modern India Vol_2
- Economic and social foundations of European civilizations
- Economic life of the ancient World
- Economic problems of modern India vol.1
- Egyptian decorative art
- Egyptian myth and legend
- Eisenschmiede Unddamonen in Indien
- Elementary Pali grammar or second pali course
- Elementary forms of the religions life
- Elements of geology with reference to North America
- Eleventh report on the search of Hindi manuscripts for the years 1920, 1921 and 1922
- Employees state insurance
- End of the World
- English factories in India 1624-1629
- English factories in India 1634-1636
- English in Western India
- English life in the middle ages
- English philosophers
- Epiggraphia Indo-Moslemica
- Epigraphia Indica vol.21
- Epigraphia Indica vol.22
- Epigraphia Indica vol.23
- Epigraphia indica Vol_25
- Epochs in Buddhist history
- Epochs of civilization
- Esmeraldo De Situ Orbis
- Esoteric Buddhism
- Essays in Roman coinage
- Essays in Zen Buddhism
- Essays in Zen Buddhism
- Essays in national idealism
- Essays on Museums
- Essays on the Gita
- Essentials of Buddhist philosophy
- Europa minor: journeys in coastal Turkey
- Everday life in old testament times
- Everyday life in new testament times
- Everyday life in prehistoric times
- Everyday things in ancient Greece
- Evolution of Awadhi: branch of Hindi
- Evolution of Buddhist architecture in Japan
- Evolution of Hindu moral ideals
- Evolution of culture
- Evolution of life; it's origin, history and future vol.1
- Excavations at Tepe Gawra Vol.2
- Excavations at deir el bahri 1911-1931
- Excavations in Mayurbhanj
- Exhibition of Indian art
- Facts and how to find them
- Family and kin in Indo-European culture
- Famous women of India
- Festivals of the twelve months
- Figurines from seleucia on the tigris
- Finding the history around US
- Finding the history around us
- First englishmen in India
- First report of the curator of ancient monuments in India
- Focus on architecture and sculpture
- Footprints on the sands of time
- Foreign vocabulary of the Quran
- Foundations of Indian culture
- Foundations of language
- Four pilgrims
- Four studies on the history of Central Asia vol.1
- Four thousand years under the sea: excursions in undersea archaeology
- Franz Boas
- From mycenae to Homer
- Fundamentals of Indian art
- Fundamentals of Indian metaphysics and logic
- Fundamentals of librarianship
- Fundamentals of practical cataloguing
- Funde Der Vorzeit
- Further dialogues of the Buddha vol.2
- Further excavations at mohenjo-daro-vol.ii
- Further lights: the Veda and the Tantra
- Future of education in India
- Games of the orient Korea, China, Japan
- Gandhara sculpture
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- Handbook to Agra and the Taj Sikandra,Fatehpur-Sikri
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- Hebraica a quarterly journal in the interests of Hebrew study vol.8
- Hebraica a quarterly journal in the interests of hebrew study vol.10
- Hebraica a quarterly journal in the interests of hebrew study vol.11
- Hebraica a quarterly journal in the interests of hebrew study vol.9
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- Hindu conception of the deity
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- Hinduism
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- Historical Geography of the British depencies vol.7
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- History of Arurangzib vol.2
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- History of Aurangzib vol.5
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- History of Bengal
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- History of Bengali literature
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- History of Buddhist thought
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- History of Dharma Sastra vol.2; pt. 1
- History of Dharma Sastra vol.3
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- History of Hindu mathematics a source book pt.2
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- History of India
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- History of Indian philosophy vol.1
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- History of the British Empire in India vol.3
- History of the British Empire in India vol.4
- History of the British Empire in India vol.6
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- History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire vol. IX
- History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire vol. XI
- History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire vol. XII
- History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire vol.I
- History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire vol.II
- History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire vol.III
- History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire vol.IV
- History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire vol.V
- History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire vol.VI
- History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire vol.VII
- History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire vol.VIII
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- Indian antiquary a journal of oriental research vol.50
- Indian antiquary a journal of oriental research vol.51
- Indian antiquary a journal of oriental research vol.52
- Indian antiquary a journal of oriental research vol.58
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- Inleiding tot de Hindoe-Javaansche kunst
- Inleiding tot de Hindoe-javaansche kunst: derde deel pt.1
- Inleiding tot de Hindoe-javaansche kunst: derde deel pt.2
- Inleiding tot de Hindoe-javaansche kunst: derde deel pt.3
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- Jainism and Karnataka culture
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- Lalita Vistara
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- List of Muhammadan and Hindu monuments vol.3
- List of Muhammadan and Hindu monuments, vol. IV
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- Literary history of Sanskrit Buddhism
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- Literary history of the Arabs
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- Mahabharata wih the commentary "Bhavadipa" of Nilakantha parts 10 to 12
- Mahabharata wih the commentary "Bhavadipa" of Nilakantha parts 13 to 18
- Mahabharata wih the commentary "Bhavadipa" of Nilakantha parts 3 and 4
- Mahabharata wih the commentary "Bhavadipa" of Nilakantha parts 5 and 6
- Mahabharata wih the commentary "Bhavadipa" of Nilakantha parts 7 to 9
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- Mahatma life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Vol_6
- Mahatma life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Vol_7
- Mahatma life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Vol_8
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- Malaya, Indonesia, Borneo, and The Philippines
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- Manu-Smrti: laws of Mnau with the bhasya of Medhatithi index to vol.2; pt.1
- Manu-Smrti: laws of Mnau with the bhasya of Medhatithi index to vol.2; pt.2
- Manu-Smrti: laws of Mnau with the bhasya of Medhatithi index to vol.3; pt.1
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- Memoires publies par les membres tome.1
- Memoires publies par les membres tome.2
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- Memoirs of the archeological survey of India no.72 Pt.2
- Memoirs of the archeological survey of india no.70
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- Muqaddimah: introduction to History vol.3
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- Museum association of Pakistan constitution
- Museums association of Pakistan first session 1949
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- Mutiny records pt.1
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- Mycenaean age: study of monuments and culture of Pre-Homeric Greece
- Mysore city
- Mysore government museum Bangalore annual report for the year 1950
- Mysore government museum Bangalore: annual report for the year 1954-55
- Mysore government museum Banglore 1939
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- Myths and legends of ancient Egypt
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- Nam: ancient language of the Sino-Tibetan Borderland
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- Narrative of a residence at the court of Meer Ali Moorad vol.1
- Narrative of a residence at the court of Meer Ali Moorad vol.2
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- Narrative of the transactions in Bengal vol.2
- Narrative of the transactions in Bengal vol.3
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- Nepalese inscriptions in Gupta characters pt.1
- Nepalese inscriptions in Gupta characters pt.1
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- Netherlands East Indies vol.2
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- New account of East India and Persia vol.2
- New account of East India and Persia vol.3
- New boundary stone of deburhadrezzar I from nippur
- New handbook of the Heavens
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- Nirayavaliyao: last five Upangas of the Jain Canon
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- Niticastra
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- Notes and documents from the Turkish archives
- Notes of an Indian journey
- Notes of wanderings in the Himmala
- Notes on the languages of the South Andaman group of tribes
- Nouvelle relation dun voyage Fait Aux
- Nuh Sipihr of Amir Khusrau
- Number of rasas
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society Fifth series-vol-3
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic chronicle and journal of the royal numismatic society: fifth series vol.I4
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- Occasional speeches and writings: February 1956 - February 1957
- Occasional speeches and writings: October 1952 - Janurary 1956)
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- One primeval language
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- Papers of the British School at Rome vol.20
- Papers of the British School at Rome vol.27
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- Papers of the British school at Rome vol.24
- Papers of the British school at Rome vol.29
- Papers of the British shool at Rome vol.17
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- Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology Harvard University papers vol.14
- Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology Harvard University papers vol.15
- Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology Harvard University papers vol.5
- Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology Harvard University papers vol.7
- Peabody museum of American archaeology and ethnology Harvard University papers vol.12
- Peabody museum of American archaeology and ethnology Harvard University papers vol.1
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- Periplus of the Erythrean Sea
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- Prince of wales museum of Western India report for the year 1938-39
- Prince of wales museum of Western India report for the year 1946-47
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- Private diary of Ananda Ranga Pillai vol.8
- Private diary of Ananda Ranga Pillai vol.9
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- Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 1936-1937 vol.71
- Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 1937-1938 vol.72
- Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 1938-1939 vol.73
- Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 1939-1940 vol.74
- Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 1940-1941 vol.75
- Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 1941-1942 vol.76
- Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 1942-1943 vol.77
- Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 1943-1944 vol.78
- Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 1944-1945 vol.79
- Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 1945-1946 vol.80
- Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 1947-1948 vol.82
- Proceedings of the first-Pan-African congress on prehistory 1947
- Progress Report of the A.S.I.Western Circle 1909 Part_1
- Progress Report of the A.S.I.Western Circle 1919
- Progress report of the A.S.I. Western circle 1903
- Progress report of the A.S.I. Western circle 1905
- Progress report of the A.S.I. Western circle 1906
- Progress report of the A.S.I. Western circle 1908
- Progress report of the A.S.I. Western circle 1911
- Progress report of the A.S.I. Western circle 1913 pt.1
- Progress report of the A.S.I. Western circle 1917
- Progress report of the A.S.I. Western circle 1918
- Progress report of the A.S.I. Western circle 1920
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- Records of the relations between Siam and foreign countries in the 17th century, vol.4: 1686-1687
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- Religious life of India: the Chaitanya movement
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- Report of the Central museum , Nagpur for the year 1937-40
- Report of the district of Jessore: its antiquities, its history, and its commerce
- Report of the general purposes sub-committee of the retrenchment advisory committee September 1931 pt.1
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- Report on the Mysore government museum for the year 1887-88
- Report on the Mysore government museum for the year 1925-26
- Report on the Mysore government museum for the year 1933-34
- Report on the working of the Central museum Lahore,for the year 1934-35
- Report on the working of the Mysore government museum Banglore for the year 1916
- Report on the working of the peshawar museum for the year
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- Srimad Valmiki Ramayana
- Srimad Valmiki Ramayana
- Srimad Valmiki Ramayana
- Srimad Valmiki Ramayana
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- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
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- Story of our civilization
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